Learn what is functional programming in JAVA.

Transition to Functional Programming

  • What is imperative programming? : Developing a code to find out the solutions for a specific problem,with the what and how thought process is knows as Imperative programming.Imperative programming, is often chosen as development strategy, where developer is completely responsible to write the mechanism for the task.

  • What is Declarative Programming?: Developing a code to find out the solutions for a specific problem, with the WHAT thought process is knows as Declarative Programming, where focus is on the activity now on the mechanism.Now a days developer are going for the declarative Programming since the HOW part of the development get reduced.
    What are the benefits of Declarative over Imperative Programming?

    1. LOC decreases.
    2. No more Complex code.
    3. Easy work for dev.
    What is the Difference between Methods and Functions?
    1. Methods are associated with class.
    2. Functions are procedure with some set of executable statements, operate on data passed to it (Explicit data).
    3. Methods can access the object data and operate that.

    What is ahead.............................................

    What is Functional Programming ??
