What is Blockchain | Why Blockchain

 What is Blockchain | Why Blockchain


Terms related to Blockchain:

  • Distributed 
  • Regulatory 
  • Public ledger 
  • Peer to peer 
  • Smart property 
  • Smart Contract
  • Value for money 
  • Digital Attestation
  • Cryptocurrency

What is Decentralize technology?

Decentralization is the process of ensuring no ownership or control is limited to a single entity. 


  •  A concept
  • A transaction Database 
  • A decentralized public ledger 
  • A technology layer protocol like TCP/IP
  • A registry 

What is blockchain?

A blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties.

Why Blockchain?
 To remove the reliability on thord party for security.

